benefits of trees

Why Are Trees Important?

There are many things that makes trees important. Trees are essential for our health and well-being, the health and well-being of animals, and our planet.

Without trees in our world it would be a vastly different place, that is why I have listed 12 benefits of trees below.

What Do Trees Produce? Oxygen.

Do you like to breathe? Me too. Well trees produce oxygen for use all year round. They do this by the process of photosynthesis. In the process of photosynthesis, the leaves on trees pull in carbon dioxide and water and use the sun’s energy to produce nutrients for the tree and oxygen.

An assistant professor of ecology at the University of British Columbia gives us some insight on when trees produce oxygen. Deciduous trees like maple, oak, hickory, and birch trees produce oxygen in the spring and summer. Whereas, conifer trees such as blue spruce, white fir, and western red cedar can produce oxygen year round, as long as they are not frozen and have access to water.

Trees Help Remove CO2 From The Atmosphere

During the process of photosynthesis, plants and trees use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen.

Carbon sequestration is another name for the process by which forests remove oxygen from the atmosphere. Many sources say that a single tree can absorb between 20-40 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year.

how much co2 does a tree absorb

benefits of trees

Trees Provide Habitat For Many Creatures

Many animals use trees for shelter all over the world . A few examples include:

  • Beavers
  • Squirrels
  • Chipmunks
  • Woodpeckers
  • Birds
  • Orangutans
  • Kinkajous
  • Koala
  • Sloths

And many more

Insects also use the loose bark on trees in the winter to hibernate for those cold months.

benefits of trees


Loves all things furry, and a kind and friendly person. A nature walk is my best friend in the
Summer, Spring and Fall. I’m a Western University student who is passionate about health
promotion and making our space a healthy place!


The Importance Of Trees For Mental Health

Green space is made up of many things, including trees. But what you don’t realize is that green space is great for your mental health. 

According to Barton and Rogerson, even acute experiences of greenspace can be psychologically restorative and has beneficial influences on emotions and the ability to reflect on life problems.

Did you know doctors in Canada can now provide a prescription for nature? 

nature prescription Canada

Trees are beautiful and diverse

There are many different species of trees throughout the world. For example, in Canada we have coniferous and deciduous trees. A few of these were mentioned earlier in the article, and these trees span across Canada in what is known as the Boreal Forest.
There are also forests around the world including:

  • The Amazon Rain Forest in South America
  • The Monte Verde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica
  • The Hallesberas Forest in Belgium
  • The Black Forest in Germany
  • And many more

What Do Trees Give Us? Food!

Trees are a common food source for animals and people.

Many different types of trees produce fruits, vegetables, nuts and other sources of food. One of my favourite activities in the fall is apple picking. It is a great way to get outdoors and socialize with family and friends. Not to mention how delicious and fresh the apples are.

Planting fruit trees are a great way to support local pollinators as well. Learn how to pack your green space with pollinators here. 

benefits of trees

Trees Help Reduce Noise Pollution

If you live near a noisy highway or a busy street trees and other foliage can be a great way to reduce noise pollution. The physical parts of the tree like the stems, leaves, branches and trunk are able to decrease or absorb sound waves.

benefits of trees

Trees Provide Shade For Cooling In The Hot Weather

When people are active in the summer time it is important to keep cool to prevent heat stroke.
Trees can provide shade in the summer for when individuals go on long walks.

Did you know that it can be up to 10 to 15 degrees cooler in the shade compared to being in direct sunlight?

benefits of trees

Medicinal Trees Can Help Us Recover From Illness

Indigenous cultures in Canada are equipped with knowledge about certain types of trees and their health benefits and can be used to recover from or prevent illness.

I learned about the benefits of cedar from elders on Aamjiwnaang. From what I learned the leaves from cedar trees can be used in tea or baths and can be boiled to purify the air. Cedar tea can be used to remove toxins from the body and can reduce fevers and relieve symptoms of chest colds or the flu.


benefits of trees

Benefits of Trees Include Soil Protection

During rainy seasons trees can intercept and absorb rain helping with storm runoff, erosion, and pollution.

The litter from trees including branches, leaves, and animal droppings helps keep our soil healthy and packed with nutrients to help trees and foliage grow.


Learn more about storm runoff in our blog 6 Benefits of Permeable Pavement.

The Benefits of Trees For Physical Recreation

In Canada there are 37 national parks. These places are great for recreation such as camping, fishing, hiking, picnicking, sightseeing and swimming.
Here are some tips and tricks to spending time outdoors:

  • Try to make camp before dark
  • Pick up all garbage so nothing is left behind
  • Be physically ready for hiking through trails
  • Make sure you have enough water
  • Bring a first-aid kit
  • Check the weather before hand
  • Bring bug repellant
  • Bring bear repellant
  • Stay away from cliffs
  • Bring life jackets

Trees Help With Allergies

Although some trees produce allergens, it is nothing compared to the benefit of improved air quality that trees provide. Therefore, it may be useful for people with allergies to plant a tree.

Even if you don’t have allergies there are many reasons why we should plant trees.

Learn more about a leading cause of seasonal allergies here: Ragweed.

seasonal allergies
We hope you enjoyed reading about these benefits of trees!
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