nature prescription Canada

Nature is just what the doctor ordered.

🇨🇦 Doctors can now recommend a nature prescription in Canada that provides patients with a year-long pass to Canada’s National Parks.

PaRx is Canada’s very first national, evidence-based nature prescription program.

Parks Canada is supporting the program which allows, health care professionals in B.C., Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba to prescribe a Parks Canada Discovery Pass.

🌳 Studies have shown that spending time in nature provides many powerful mental and physical health benefits.  

Let’s explore the advantages for adults, children, and the planet – together!

Read on to learn the golden rule for an effective nature prescription. 

Health Benefits for Adults

Studies have shown that spending more time in nature can:

  • Reduce the risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. 
  • Improve memory, creativity, and work satisfaction.
  • Give your brain a rest from repetitive and racing thoughts boosting your overall mood. 
  • Increase life expectancy. Seniors who live closer to green spaces often live longer. 
nature prescription Canada

Health Benefits for Kids

Studies have shown that spending more time in nature:

  • Increases resiliency in children reducing experiences of anxiety and depression.
  • Growing up next to green space improves lung function including capacity and elasticity. 
  • Reduces the risk of developing allergies.
  • Help build up a resilient immune system.
  • Can literally make your brain bigger with increased brain volume in areas that improve memory and attention.
nature prescription Canada

Health Benefits for The Planet

If this point is especially important to you, consider becoming a member of Random Acts of Green. Get connected to our climate action community here

  • Protecting green spaces creates a feedback loop of benefits for the planet and the people that inhabit it. 
  • Children and adults who spend more time in nature are more likely to take action to protect it.
  • Protecting green spaces with trees help to sequester carbon and maintain balance in the carbon cycle. 
  • Green spaces in urban areas help to keep cities cool by providing shade, reducing the risk of flooding and erosion while also improving air quality.


nature prescription Canada

Time spent among the trees is never wasted time.

The golden rule is 2 hours/week for 20+ minute sessions. 

The research demonstrates that people who spend at least 2 hours in nature each week report significantly better health and wellbeing.

Studies suggest that the most efficient drop in stress hormone (cortisol) levels occurs within 20 to 30 minutes.  

You might be thinking… “I don’t need a prescription for nature. I can go outside on my own.”  Well, the research below reveals why the doctor’s orders make lasting change.

reconnect with nature

Tips To Add Nature To Your Life - Starting Today

Make a date with nature and actually write it down somewhere.

Research shows that scheduling time to meet your goals makes you more likely to succeed in achieving them. This is why the prescription for nature from a doctor holds accountability to ensure a person follows through.   

Why not start today? Here are 10 Ways To Reconnect with Nature that will help you make tangible changes to incorporate nature into your life without much-added effort.

Deepen your connection to nature and you will strengthen your will to protect it!

Help share the good green news in your spheres of influence on socials and be sure to make time to get outside this week!

What do you think about this? Are you a fan of Vitamin N (Nature)?
Share your thoughts on socials!


If you’re having a mental health crisis, help is available. For an emergency or crisis situation, call 911.

If you are thinking of suicide or know someone who is, help is available nationwide by calling the Canada Suicide Prevention Service toll-free at 1-833-456-4566, 24 hours a day, or texting 45645. (The text service is available from 4 p.m. to midnight Eastern time).

You can also text CONNECT to 686868 and get immediate support from a crisis responder through the Crisis Text Line, powered by Kids Help Phone.

alannah hardcastle

Alannah Hardcastle

Passionate about leveraging the power of communications to drive positive change, Alannah knows how to engage communities with purpose. She’s particularly keen on building a diverse and inclusive community that upholds values to create a social and environmental impact.

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