sustainability important for business

Why is sustainability still important for my business?

It’s been 2 years living in a global pandemic and now our world has entered the Russian-Ukraine war.

It can be hard to remember that we are also fighting the climate crisis –simultaneously.

Even now, sustainability is still important and relevant for any business –and more important than many realize.

Reason 1: Important to increase sales

Sustainability is important for your sales.

Consumers care about sustainability –and more now than ever before.

Check out these important facts on how many consumers care about sustainability –and how you may be missing out on new customers:

•42% of consumers have changed consumption habits themselves because of their stance on the environment

•21% have encouraged others to switch to a company whose values align with their opinion on an issue. (Deloitte)

Reason 2: Important to engage, retain, and attract staff

Did you know that 71% of employees and job seekers would rather work for a company that is sustainable(CSR Journal, 2021)?

Engaging your employees in sustainability increases staff retention, productivity and overall employee wellbeing.

You position yourself as an industry leader and your employees are more likely to stick around to see their sustainability efforts come to fruition.

If you want long-term success for your business, you must implement a sustainability plan.

Reason 3: Important for Branding

It is no longer enough to sell a quality product, consumers also want to feel that a company’s business practices align with their values.

65% of consumers surveyed expect CEOs to do more to make progress on societal issues, including reducing carbon emissions, tackling air pollution, and making business supply chains more sustainable(Hutcheon, 2021).

You can stand out against your competitors by letting your consumers know you care about sustainability.

Reason 4: Important for Marketing

If you don’t talk about sustainability, consumers will never know the good you’re doing.

Consumers want to know that you care about sustainability, and this can be done by implementing a sustainable marketing strategy.

Sustainable marketing is vital to incorporate into your marketing strategy because it appeals to a growing number of consumers.

IBM ran a study in 2020 that showed 57% of consumers surveyed were willing to change their shopping patterns towards more environmentally conscious brands.

Sustainable marketing can help your business achieve its financial goals and give consumers a reason to choose you over your competitors.

Check out our sustainable marketing blog to learn more about how to implement a sustainable marketing plan.

Reason 5: Important to stay educated and relevant

We are constantly learning more and more about how to take effective climate action.

It can be overwhelming to try and stay educated, but it’s important for the success of your business.

Businesses have the opportunity to educate people about climate change.

In fact, 55% of consumers want brands to create awareness around problems such as climate change( Hutcheon, 2021).

By staying informed about climate issues, you stay relevant in your consumer’s mind.

Reason 6: Important to establish partnerships

By implementing sustainability in your business practices, new impact partnerships can be formed.

One example is partnering with us, here at Random Acts of Green!

By joining our sustainability alliance, you can highlight and strengthen your business commitment to taking climate action.

You can commit to making a sustainable difference by changing behaviours, spreading knowledge and making an impact.


Taylor Farrugia

With a degree in Bio-Resource Management & a major in Environmental Management from Guelph University, Taylor knows a thing or two about research, database searching, and creating efficiencies for the Planet.

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