5 Sustainable Marketing Tips

For those unfamiliar with the term, sustainable marketing is the promotion of a company’s product or services that reflect a brand’s environmental and social values.

Sustainable marketing shouldn’t be focused on one broad environmental problem, for example reducing carbon footprints. It should reflect environmental, social, and economic impacts.

It depends on the company’s brand, mission and values as to which elements are relevant to focus on.

When considering sustainable marketing there are 5 things you should keep in mind:

#1: Have a larger purpose.

As a brand you should be thinking about promoting more than just your products or services.

Sustainable marketing should focus on conveying the company’s mission. You should be taking into account the company’s environmental, social and economic impacts, and how these areas interact with one another.

#2: Place value ahead of profit.

Most companies will measure their success by their bottom lines. While this does give a measurement of how a company is doing financially, it never tells the whole story.

Sustainability marketing is about building value with your customers, not just taking their money.

You should be looking to nurture your consumers throughout their buying journey, to continually build consumer loyalty.

#3: Reflect sustainability in every aspect of your brand.


Sustainable marketing has to be authentic, being transparent will help build your brand visibility.

It is imperative to avoid greenwashing (see our blog post here), otherwise it will increase distrust in your company.

Define what sustainability means to your company. 

Why does it matter to you?

Which aspects of sustainability are most important/relevant to you and why?


Taylor Farrugia

With a degree in Bio-Resource Management & a major in Environmental Management from Guelph University, Taylor knows a thing or two about research, database searching, and creating efficiencies for the Planet.

#4: Plan for the long term.

Sustainability isn’t some fleeting trend.

It isn’t something to add to your ‘to do’ list, check off and then forget about. It’s a long term strategy with concrete solutions and implementations to be done over a period of time. 


Some aspects will be quicker and easier to implement than others, but all are equally important on the journey towards sustainability.

#5: Deliver your marketing plan responsibly.

Are you still sending junk mail to your customers?

Consider the environmental impact these promotional materials have.

Changing the way your promotional materials are delivered is a great way to demonstrate to consumers the sincerity of the brand’s environmental values.

Sustainable marketing needs to be more than aligning your products with a green buzzword and then going back to business as usual.

It should take into account the context of your market, how and why your brand is prepared to address the environmental and social impacts you create and have defined measurable goals to measure your impact by.

Sustainable marketing can help your brand achieve its financial goals, and give consumers a reason to choose you over your competitors.

It’s never too late to start your sustainability journey!

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