go green initiatives

8 MORE easy ways to go green in the office!

Incorporating environmentally friendly practices into the office can be easy and fun. It also has social and economic benefits as well.


Here are 8 easy ways to go green in the office

#1. Be conscious of printing practices.

Is it necessary to print everything? If something can be viewed and shared online, do it. Always print double sided, send an electronic fax, and use an e-signature when possible to reduce wasteful printing practices.

#2. Donate gently used items.

Items such as books, manuals, or furniture can be donated rather than thrown out.

#3. Think before you act.

Can I get another purpose out of this? Do I really need to buy this? Asking yourself these kinds of questions helps challenge the normal thought patterns that enable wasteful practices.

#4. Compost when you can.

Composting food waste is a great way to cut down on the amount of trash produced by the office.

#5. Consider switching to renewable energy.

This may not be feasible for all offices, but if it’s possible to switch it does give you long term savings while being better for the planet. 

[An honourable mention to Bullfrog Power who specialize in this very thing!]

#6. Use window tinting.

Not only does this reduce the amount of energy usage, but it also saves on cooling costs.

#7. Use eco-friendly office supplies.

Use recycled paper, refillable pens or remanufactured ink/toner cartridges to cut down on your waste production.

#8. Buy in bulk.

Instead of buying individual consumable items such as sugar packets or creamer, buy it in bulk to reduce the amount of excessive packaging.

Did you enjoy this speedy rundown? Check out our second blog on greenifying your workplace at the button below!

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