
A growing population. Expanding city skylines. Fast-changing technology. Shifting production patterns … all around us is evidence of the need to stay nimble in the quest for a greener future for the communities we live, work and play in.

Wasteco saw the vast difference between what people think about waste and recycling, and what actually happens.

Equipped with this knowledge they built a team that would focus on education and communication to help make the necessary changes to build the healthiest most sustainable  waste practices possible.

Wasteco is a Canadian company that has been in the business for over 4 decades. That experience has enabled them to offer a variety of educational services and tools to help you understand and reduce your waste, and ultimately your costs.

Through consumer engagement, Wasteco impacts the amount of material that gets diverted from landfill and contributes toward building a circular economy.

In case you aren’t familiar with the term ‘circular economy’: A circular economy is one in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible, extracting the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life.

The proper collection of these materials is critical to the success of the Circular Economy.

"Wasteco's green story is very simple but has made an enormous impact."

In recognition of their proactive communication and support with their customers’ waste reduction programs, Wasteco has been awarded multiple Platinum and Gold Awards by the Recycling Council of Ontario! 

To learn more about Wasteco, their commitment to sustainability and their flexible solutions for a greener future check out their website below.

Wasteco Headoffice:

161 Bridgeland Avenue

Toronto, ON M6A 1Z1

[email protected]

Making a Material Difference ™


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