earth month 2023

Join Our Blueprint For Change Earth Month Challenge!


A climate-safe future isn’t just some castle in the sky. If we can dream it, we can build it, especially if we work together.  After all, many hands make light work. 

Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as our guide, we’ve put together a blueprint to help set a solid foundation for a sustainable future. 

These pillars include actions you can take as an individual to shrink your footprint, group activities to build a resilient community and actions with the bigger picture in mind. 

We need bold climate action – from governments, businesses and people like us – to renovate current systems and build new ones that strengthen ecosystems and communities. 

The latest IPCC report is a call to action to do more than just hold the fort. 

Together, we can take action to put our shared home back in order. 

Building better, in ways that protect people and the planet, now and into the future. 

earth day 2023 theme

How to Participate:

✅  Complete as many Green Acts as you can! Participate in individual, group or systemic actions to create lasting change.

📸  Share your progress by tagging @randomactsofgreen across social platforms. 

😍  Challenge others to participate with you.  Participate as an individual, form a group and take on systemic actions for the bigger picture.

Share your progress on socials and log your individual Green Acts on our free mobile app. 

The changes can be BIG or SMALL – we’ll embrace it all.

earth month 2023

📲 Many of these actions can logged on our mobile App!

There are over 40+ different Green Acts you can log to help track your impact.

Download it for free to get inspiration on actions you can take to help our planet.

Earn Green Points and redeem for rewards from eco-friendly businesses and services from our member community

Earth Month Employee Engagement Guide

Are you looking for a 30-day challenge? Do you organize monthly green challenges for the office?

Whether you’re looking for new ways to make a positive environmental impact or are looking to accelerate internal change, our offerings are the perfect fit.

We’ve curated all the tools you’d need to grow a green, eco-friendly team – even when they’re miles apart! 

With our custom packages, we can help companies implement, track, and report on environmental and sustainability initiatives to help companies reach their corporate sustainability goals.

earth day 2023 theme

earth day 2023 events

earth day 2023 events

earth week 2023

earth week 2023

🌎 We may be random, but we're not without purpose.

Connect with our eco-community for free resources on actions you can take to protect our planet – starting today.